The linked chunk of Python does the job well... but leaves a .flv file with a crypto-looking name. This chunk of shell script ($1 is the full YouTube URL, as in or whatever) hauls out the video title:
wget $1 -O /tmp/
name=$(gawk '/<.title>/ { x=0; } x > 0 { if($1 == "-" && $2 != "") { sub ("^[^A-Z]*",""); sub("\\(.*\\).*$",""); gsub("[[:punct:]]",""); sub(" +$",""); gsub(" +","_"); print $0; } } // { x=2; }' /tmp/
rm -f /tmp/
The title is savagely pruned to exclude most things which would fail as part of a filename. Experiments will happen tomorrow AM, but I’m guessing that something like this would do the appropriate conversion/renaming:
arg=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*v=//')
ffmpeg -i ${arg} -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 ${name}.mpg
That results in a plain MPEG file which should convert losslessly to a .vob for burning onto a standard video DVD. If you use .mp4 instead, you wind up with a smaller video file for playing using smplayer, xine or whatever you have to hand.
wget $1 -O /tmp/
name=$(gawk '/<.title>/ { x=0; } x > 0 { if($1 == "-" && $2 != "") { sub ("^[^A-Z]*",""); sub("\\(.*\\).*$",""); gsub("[[:punct:]]",""); sub(" +$",""); gsub(" +","_"); print $0; } } /
rm -f /tmp/
The title is savagely pruned to exclude most things which would fail as part of a filename. Experiments will happen tomorrow AM, but I’m guessing that something like this would do the appropriate conversion/renaming:
arg=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/^.*v=//')
ffmpeg -i ${arg} -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 ${name}.mpg
That results in a plain MPEG file which should convert losslessly to a .vob for burning onto a standard video DVD. If you use .mp4 instead, you wind up with a smaller video file for playing using smplayer, xine or whatever you have to hand.
Doing that now. It doesn’t rename or process the Flash video file, but the script above does that handily.