Last week, I drowned (completely immersed) a Canon A480 still-cam (which of course also takes minor videos) in Fortescue Falls while trying to take a video clip of same.
Since the water is very close to pure there, I hauled out the batteries, the SD card, then flicked it as dry as I could. Carried it open-handed back to Forrestfield, then rested it on a shelf, panel-door open, for 2 days.
Tried it. The electronics seemed to work fine but the optics were not. Massively over-bright & fuzzy.
Frowned, hauled the batteries out while it was still powered on, leaving the lens extended. Left it to dry for a few more days. Jammed it into a case which went into a coach to Albany with me.
A few days ago, without much hope, I switched it on again. Joy! It perks worfectly! (-:
So... I used it for dazzling some Yankee friends with a morning video clip of Little Beach, using a real camera stand (-: eleven minutes of peaceful bliss, set to gentle wave noises! :-) & with some stills from around the Kalgan/Lower-King area. Nice soil, nice scenery there.
Feeding a 1.2GB AVI clip from the camera through ffmpeg turned it into a 19MB MP4 file (also understood by many web publishing toolsets) with no evident loss of quality. That’s quite a change! In theory, I can fit a little under 40 minutes onto the SD card in the camera.
Since the water is very close to pure there, I hauled out the batteries, the SD card, then flicked it as dry as I could. Carried it open-handed back to Forrestfield, then rested it on a shelf, panel-door open, for 2 days.
Tried it. The electronics seemed to work fine but the optics were not. Massively over-bright & fuzzy.
Frowned, hauled the batteries out while it was still powered on, leaving the lens extended. Left it to dry for a few more days. Jammed it into a case which went into a coach to Albany with me.
A few days ago, without much hope, I switched it on again. Joy! It perks worfectly! (-:
So... I used it for dazzling some Yankee friends with a morning video clip of Little Beach, using a real camera stand (-: eleven minutes of peaceful bliss, set to gentle wave noises! :-) & with some stills from around the Kalgan/Lower-King area. Nice soil, nice scenery there.
Feeding a 1.2GB AVI clip from the camera through ffmpeg turned it into a 19MB MP4 file (also understood by many web publishing toolsets) with no evident loss of quality. That’s quite a change! In theory, I can fit a little under 40 minutes onto the SD card in the camera.
My attitude when I saw that it had been drowned was (shrug) nothing left to lose.
I got some excellent video clips out of it from The Gap yesterday. I processed a 2GB AVI from the camera into a 30MB MP4 using ffmpeg, posted it to a couple of social sites I use. Rave reviews. (-:
The feeling of hundreds of tons of water smashing into many thousands of tons of rock & making it shiver under my feet was awesome! (-:
So where's the movie? I'm sure it'll be nothing like being there, but nice all the same.
Last night my brother showed me two photos similar to one another, and I started to come to grips with the idea that better photographers or cameras can take better photographs.