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The virtue in being wierd

I have two handicaps which wound up with me being labelled “weird, but harmless” by the (mostly Deutsch) staff at a backpackers I lived in for a while. I discovered this after a Deutsch friend of mine, a genuine philosopher, had a chat with one in a conversation laden with “icht bin” & the like.

These handicaps are a high IQ (equalled by a very clever little English girl, the wife of a family I’m staying with who carries two PhDs in mathematics & runs some significant educational services, her #4 daughter (now 19yo) consciously decided to become a geek), & a visuo-spatial learning technique.

Visuo-spatial treats everything as patterns & structures, so IT work is paradise for that mind-set, I was pleased to discover. This also means that I am more likely to see real recovery from my accident-induced disability. However this & the innate intelligence mean that I can easily see & understand things which others can’t.

That sounds fine at face value, but others who lack this manner of ability are often terrified by it.

Forex, I wasted a decade trying to deal with a control-freak who lied & deceived quite freely because they were terrified of losing control (a moot point anyway, since they’ve stooped to idolatry, cultic behaviour in general, stealing, all manner of decrepit self-deceit).

More than wasted. That decade has damaged me quite severely, & it works out to be quite a relief (with a couple of very specific exceptions) to be free of that uncertainty, that abuse, that constant undermining of everything we shared involvement with.

That’s just one example, but I can dredge out others.

So... now, if I take care to fit my general behaviour into others’ expectations (not as simple as it might sound) I get encouragement, personal care (right down to my health, thank you Roseanne; also crisis recovery, thank you Francess), & acceptance right across the board.

Now instead of enduring great intelligence, I’ve learned (as did Bucky Fuller) to use the forces instead of fighting them.

My young lady also has ultra-class intelligence, quite different to mine, but her intelligence is more related to social issues, so she integrates like this almost automatically.

If you think about it, it’s highly likely that you can learn to integrate as well, to your immense social (& other) profit, since if you’re reading this, you’re probably a geek & in at least some ways regarded by others as “weird” as well.

As a sign texta’ed onto the wall at City Farm asks, “Why be normal, when you can be yourself instead?” (-:


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