I was quietly perusing an aritcle about Brian Behlendorf, when I syumbled across an important freedom that I hadn’t thought much about: “The most important freedom: the right to fork”.
It is important, too, as all of (for example) Microsoft’s mayhem & monopoly quest has been about denying that very right. Most governments get more than a tad upset if a bunch of their citizens decide to start a fork of their own, also.
Forking, in a way, represents the ultimate freedom: the ability to start from here (wherever “here” actually is) & go your own way.
Vive la différence!
I was made in Canada, so I'm supposed to know some of that stuff. (-:
if i was representing that on a matrix which had access, use, modify distribute it doesnt have a specific spot for being able to participate in the parent.
sorry =)
I’ll put up with that any day for the privilege of earning a lucychili post to one of my articles. (-:
The ability to modify and distribute software amounts to a significant surrender of authority by the author(s) — but as I said, it’s an important one, a key aspect of freedom.
So, I explained it to them.
Rick Moen