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Continent separated from Britain in a day

It seems that Europe was washed away from Britain in less than a day, by massive floods washing down past Dover.

The finding has emerged from an advanced sonar survey of the bed of the Channel that revealed huge scour marks, deep bowls and piles of rock that could have been created only by a giant torrent of water. [...] “In places this valley is more than seven miles wide and 170ft deep, with vertical sides. Its nearest geological parallels are found not on earth but in the monumental flood terrains of the planet Mars”

Well... that explains some odd things about Englanders... (-:

The flood is pictured as “sudden biblical-style catastrophe” but as I remember things, that would take up something like a year & involve the entire planet. Too ambitious, this was “only” a mile-high glacier stretching from Scotland to Denmark, although to locals the catastrophe would seem pretty overwhelming.

The wash-down of molten ice-cap/glacier would have taken “less than a day”, making it conceptually smaller than the breach(es) of Lake Missoula which made the Channelled Scablands in Washington, but probably larger than Lake Ohio.

Mind you, ‘smaller” here might mean only a few cubic kilometers of flow. In a day. A video camera at any of these sites would have been good value.


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