The penguin wins on security & price, which are two points in which MS would have to be swimming strenuously uphill to hope to match.
This mentions the Indian state of Kerala’s decision to fly with the penguin:
Running a Windows desktop PC has become increasingly annoying for users who must cope with spyware, adware, viruses, security patches, upgrades, crashes, reboots.
...and their education minister went on to say...
We have decided that we will use only free software for computer education in Kerala schools. We have implemented the Linux platform in high schools; it will be implemented in other schools step by step.
Another excellent micro-quote:
Kerala is following the footsteps of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Goa, West Bengal, and Delhi, who are also in the thick of bringing Linux to schools.
That’s a fair chunk of India named there, already.
I wonder if/when Australia will wake up and follow?
Pity Linus and Richard have very different views on GPL 3 and Lunix being licensed under it