SWMBO uses a certain online auction site a fair bit, but it does have a number of shortfalls, one of them being shoving every purchase through (expensive and owned by auctioneer) PP purchasing systems by default and now — potentially — Microsoft enslavement with all of the detriment thus implied... so now I’m looking for useful alernatives.
What’s your favourite auction site, and why?
Please Reply to this post now and tell me about it.
Bill appears to be doing the software thing as he seems to do all else: for power and wealth first, for health and righteousness pretty much last.
In short, what happens sooner or later in that plan is that every customer gets sucked into making Bill ever richer, ever more powerful (same things in many ways), and the real cost to the customer doesn't matter (except in outright marketing terms) to the planners except that trapped customers are desirably (to the planners) usually more vulnerable to further marketing.