the LEDs on this 5m strip happen to emit light centred on a red that does unexpectedly helpful things to (and surprisingly deeply within) a human routinely exposed to it. it has been soldered to a Molex connector, plugged into a TFX power supply from a (retired: the MoBo is cactus) Small Form Factor PC, the assorted PSU connectors (and loose end from the strip) have been taped over. the LED strip cost $10.24 including postage, the rest cost $0, the PSU is running at 12½% of capacity, consumes less power than a laptop plug-pack despite running a fan. trial runs begin today.
Linux Advocate in Western Australia
Stuck commenting as I don't have access to email on campus. Shhh..don't tell Michael but I purchased a picture of rocks (not mountain peaks though) in New Zealand. (It's his Christmas present for after we've painted the walls.)
The URL of the image is way too long but it is on the gallery's web site ( It is The Light II by Yong-Hyun Kwon. Check it out!