This was almost within my cooking — er... talents — :-)
Last night, we-all had some pasta strands for food, gently boiled, with beans & corn & tomatoey stuff that all went together nicely & filled the whole hole.
This norning, breakfast looked uninspiring: choice of toast or cereal — so I upended the remaining meal-stuff into a flat ceramic bowl, slid that under the stove’s top-down griller until it melted & ran, then whooshed it out and sprinkled a little Hit Chilli Sauce thereon as the perfect (well, excellent) refinement.
Spaghetti-done-backwards (cooked top-down) made a surprisingly tasty & filling breakfast — the chilli being positive, indirect evidence for my stomach being... er, fundamentally operative by now — thoroughly filling & tasty; unlike even the allegedly high-quality canned stuff.