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Hale-Bopping hairstyle

This photo of Comet Hale-Bopp rolling out beyond Jupiter (it is waaaay to cold to melt there: Jupiter still has ice moons) has quite a hairstyle, no?

Said “hairstyle” represents a big problem for canonical cometary theory: how is Hale-Bopp emitting anything? It ain’t Solar heat, out yonder here...

The Thunderbolts crew reckon that any solar power involved herein is basically going to be electrical. I can sort of imagine HB dropping a kind of trailer up which a discharge might bravely endeavour to forge directly and within very few relative minutes, and while this would be well beyond the ordinarily-considered realms of solar heating, it seems to be a much more reasonable proposition than having said heating bypass almost everything between Sol and HB (think Asteroids, over 60 of Jupiter’s moons etc)... only to make Mr Comet do the next-best thing besides explode when it finally arrives...


Leon RJ Brooks said…
The answer to the first question is "in rays" — and conventional theory has no viable explanation of how this radiative detail might be happening — at all, anywhere — either.

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