That’s the literal description of what happened to my head when someone put their door in its way at some tens of kilometers per hour, part of what’s entailed behind “Traumatic brain injury following cycling accident (bike vs car door)” and the like.
“Bifrontal decompressive craniotomy and insertion of right frontal external ventricular drain” described the primary followup surgery (several more intricate lines of quasi-English medical language also appear nearby).
In Relveant Investigations and Results we have (included amongst others) “Skull vault fracture (L front-pparietal region) and right floor of anterior cranial fossa” plud things like “Bi hemispheric SAH” and “Left small SDH” and “Depressed fracture of nasal bone”. That’s not all, just a few eye-catching sentences amongst phrases like “acute extra-axial collection in the left parietel region” and “evidence of subarachnal haemorrhage. Diffuse brain swelling is demonstrated”
I also appear to have (literally) taken a hit or two between white (central) and grey (lining) brain matter and have been left with “ongoing right-sided loculated [small cavities] pleural [multiple] effusion”. I did, however, rate well at OT and community skills.
I will see if I am allowed to scan and publish the MRI scans. Most educational. I plan to post links rather than the actual images, in case you’re near a meal at the time.
SDH == Sub-Dural Haemotoma (below-skin bleeding)xw