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Satan to give Keynote on Church Management...

...or close enough, anyway.

Still making misleading statements about what they own, I notice, but this time a faint harmonic of caution seems to have crept into their tune:

SCO owns the core UNIX operating system, originally developed by AT&T/Bell Labs and is the exclusive licensor to UNIX-based system software providers.

If they were interested in truth, they would say that “The SCO Group owns distribution rights to the residual proprietary aspects of AT&T/Bell UNIX®, as overseen by Novell — the exclusive licensor — and SCO is their sole agent for the purpose.”

Given that Intel have now openly called SCOX liars in court — and SCOX have not objected to that — you’d have to have had your head under a rock for a very long time to expect to see truth out of D’ohl & co. Nevertheless, hope springs eternal...


Anonymous said…
You are a fucking half wit.
You should stop being such a loser and go get a life, YOUR COMPUTER IS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!
Leon RJ Brooks said…
I seem to be about 40 years ahead of you on that latter point. The former point is now medical history (count the neurons) but not for the reasons you evidently espouse yourself, rather through a similar (although much more physically injuring, if not more pointless) than your post here. In summary, I strongly suspect that indulging in a sustainable and genuinely useful life will be a revolutionary and productive step for you.

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