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So... miss 4yo is watching Pirates of Penzance at high volume...

...and I’ve just had a brain-break scanning BuShips and Honorverse on Baen’s Bar. Why not, I thought innocently (which is a nice way of saying “foolishly” :-) combine the two?

I am the very model of a modern Sollie Admiral

I am the very model of a modern Sollie Admiral;
the neobarbs all quail before my massive forces nautical;
my fleets all bear the latest and most lethal technologically;
and those by grasers not so cowed are tied down economically!

I know about the principles of power all political,
though nothing about Tacitus and Sun-Tzu – strategetical;
my rank is due to those I know and helped by those whose palms I’ve crossed;
success is gauged by battles – not – but total kickbacks that I’ve grossed...

with total kickbacks that I’ve grossed –
with total kickbacks that I’ve grossed –
with total kickbacks that I’ve grossed!
With battle fleets and battle groups I’ve pounded sepoys into dust;
with traditions fine and finer still than rabble from the O F S;
I’m sure that Queen and President and even Andy Emperol,
will bow before my ships ’coz I’m a modern Sollie Admiral!
He’s sure that Queen and President and even Andy Emperol,
will bow before his ships ’coz he’s a modern Sollie Admiral!
From Vergie chaps all scared of ghosts I’ve heard some tales of fearful woe –
of F T L and M D M and end-walls on the smallest scow!
One two zero kilogees is far too fast a missile track,
and salvos of a thousand birds? imagination has attacked!

We’re sailing now to teach these foreign cads a thing or two,
about our Navy and our League – to jape at us would never do!
Our mighty wall of mighty ships will bring these vassals into line,
this Admiral will turn the rebel ships into a shrine!

he’ll turn the rebel ships into a shrine –
he’ll turn the rebel ships into a shrine –
he’ll turn the rebel ships into a shrine!
With blazing wedge and every heart as strong as ten of theirs,
we drop in past their Alpha wall, a force to frighten and to whiten almost every hair!
But off our ’scopes and from our sight their every vessel disappears,
and nasty missiles then approach us, send their lasers up our rears...
But still – though bested with an effort almost casual –
he was the very model of a modern Sollie Admiral!

Well, yeah, I s’pose you’re right. I’m blaming the fatigue. (-:


Andrew said…
LOL! :) Good one, Leon

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