Posit a human being who claims to be Christian.
They might also claim to be Atheist, or Hindu, or almost anything else.
To this particular individual, the most important person is their grandiose — false — self-image. Everyone else (everything else) comes secondary to that.
Regardless of their claims, the belief system they follow is Virtual Idolatry.
Yes. There is zero tangible evidence of the physical existence of the principal object of their affection.
Yes. What they effectively worship was created by mankind (in this case, themselves, although they may have been conditioned to act that way by an authority figure early in their lives).
Their actions reveal them to not follow the best-documented human in history (Christ) in any practical way, so they are evidently not Christian.
That they regard themselves (by projection of that image) to be better than any other human being clashes with the basic Monism upon which Hinduism is built, so they are evidently not Hindu (the greeting ‘namasté’ has no place in their life).
A being with no physical existence dictates their attitude and actions, which clashes with a foundational dogma of Atheism (either the ‘lack-a-belief’ kind, or the ‘does-not-exist’ kind) that everything in existence is physical, so they are not Atheist.
Extending that list of belief systems could go on indefinitely, however the practical aspects for someone who has to deal with such a person have some serious consequences: you will experience Gaslighting from them, and other two-faced manipulative behaviours. Empathy — for them — is not a real concept.
Yet if you (in any way) express distrust of them (even fail to admire them enough or to give them enough attention), you may experience a very destructive form of rage (which relates to mere anger as a lightning bolt relates to a phone battery) in which not even their own life is important to them: only that image.
In an attempt to fit the rest of the universe into their view of things, they will attempt to control (sometimes subtly) everyone around them.
The only safe way to proceed is to isolate yourselves from them, do not cross paths with them — which must be done very carefully and if possible subtly, as they are likely to regard it as an insult and slam into rage mode.
Not every person will consider this an advantage, yet nevertheless it can be: if an object is not alive, it has no feelings. This can make dealing with them very much simpler, however a (literally) mindless object cannot do anything creative, of itself.