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Showing posts from September, 2012

A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out

If this is you , now is the time to realise that all of your problems are the result of your own choices & own actions, admit that you cannot make it any better, & turn to others for real help. The number of people recorded as entering remission without first acknowledging this essential hopelessness is zero . None . Nada . Zippo . The single most difficult part of any task is to begin. People who procrastinate never seem to quite get around to doing anything about ending their procrastination. So pick up a pen now , & write a list like this one (continue listing, don’t end at four): Counsellor Psychologist Support group HeadSpace Now grab the Yellow Pages & look up at least three of each, writing the numbers down. When trading hours next happen, call to find out what constructive things can be done to end the embarrassment & futility.