- When one has been walking kilometers every day, & cycling tens of km every day, one has one’s muscles tuned for walking or cycling, not running;
- After lugging a flying fox up a hill again 8 times, one needs to keep lugging the ’fox back every so often lest one’s muscles seize up;
- Fit 5-yo or 9-yo boys can soldier straight through/over stuff again & again which one must then struggle past, & one’s adult companions are sufficiently daunted by that they detour;
- Suddenly-absent Thandis leave a massive social hole about equivalent to a missing hut-full of mere mortals, & deflate most of the joy of physically conquering obstacles;
- Riding on a 4WD will get you up the hill faster — at a certain encased-mud cost through the brook crossing. (-:
the LEDs on this 5m strip happen to emit light centred on a red that does unexpectedly helpful things to (and surprisingly deeply within) a human routinely exposed to it. it has been soldered to a Molex connector, plugged into a TFX power supply from a (retired: the MoBo is cactus) Small Form Factor PC, the assorted PSU connectors (and loose end from the strip) have been taped over. the LED strip cost $10.24 including postage, the rest cost $0, the PSU is running at 12½% of capacity, consumes less power than a laptop plug-pack despite running a fan. trial runs begin today.