One refreshing thing about Linux people is that there are so many, & that in general you (we) are honest, forthright people.
Note that I said “in general” because as with so many golden principles in this world, there are exceptions... which here are few & far between. You may not think of yourself as being perfect (well... not for long, anyway :-) but by & large you do fairly well.
One effect of this has been repairs for one Leon Brooks, as in helping out with this conference, I’ve run across an enormous variety of people, who have been frank enough to comment on what I’ve been doing, & thoughtful enough to do so politely.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but on many occasions (such as starting a new job, living in a new place, or even facing brainless things like social/racial prejudice) you get judged & condemned for what people assume about you rather than what you’re like or what you’re actually doing.
Ass-U-Me is a dangerous thing to do, because as you can plainly see here, it makes an ass out of u & me.
This prejudice is a two-edged sword, because what you think you’re like, or what you think of what you’re doing is probably going to be a little inaccurate in it’s own way, but given enough behavioural samples, a consensus will work its way through the peripheral features of the situation & become established as a record of what is actually happening.
I have become quite literally sick of such prejudices, & the medicos became enthusiastic when I suggested attending the Conf, as it would give me a chance to “reset” my behaviour to something better reflecting real life & the possibilities therein.
Which it has & is & does.
So... if anyone accuses you of being useless — particularly today — you can laugh them to scorn. Politely, of course. (-:
I’ve had people telling me when I do things right — which is of course important — but I’ve also had LCA people telling me when I’ve done things wrong. It’s not always so pleasant, but it is at least as important, & in general y’all have being doing well at it: you explain promptly, accurately, & without wrapping it in irrelevant, emotive, confusing distractions.
Thank you.