<click> Applications
<click> Games...
[list of maybe 100 or so games appears]
<Master 8yo> “Oh. Which one is it?”
We settled on Fish Fillets after trying out a handful of minesweepers & jewel games.
So... what problem do I have with games on Linux? Well... too many of them. (-:
SIITA: just got around to closing my outside window a few minutes ago after 21:00 (9PM). Not cold. Took the kinder for a nice putter around Mackintosh and Tullabardine Dams this morning. Sort-of participated in the Tullah Challenge (walked said kinder backwards through running-racers alongside Lake Rosebery). Warm, relaxing day. Now if Telstra extracts a digit or two, so allowing real GSM ’phone coverage & maybe even a DSLAM in town, I’ll be able to stop whining about services. A little. (-: