I decided to have a whack at GIMP 2.4, & the easiest approach looked to be bolting the -rc3 from Gutsy into a Feisty machine I’ve set up.
One of the obvious updates was libc6. What was not so obvious was the libgcc1 & other “internal” dependencies which that implied, stuff like encryption & compression, right down to replacing a TrueType font with an updated version with a slightly different naming system, in order to please one of GIMP’s dependencies — but this broke a couple of games (Briquolo & CrystalSpace) so I had to upgrade those also (or scrub them off).
77 packages later, down a dialup link (uh, sorry, 79 packages with the games), it all seems to be working — except that this Feisty seems to half-think of itself as a Gutsy, & wants to finish the upgrade.
I think that’ll be waiting until I can borrow an ADSL link in Wynyard this coming week before trying an upgrade, else I’d have to sit through (it estimates) two gigabytes down the ’phone line at just over 5 kilobits per second (2E9 / 5E3 == 4E5 seconds, or 4 2/3 weeks @ 24x7 with no dropouts — er... no thanks).
I think I’ll grab a set of Gutsy CDs while I’m at it, both to update from & to install new systems with — a number of items (such as GIMP) appear to have hit sweet versions just in time to get Gutsy’ed.
BTW, I should point out from practical experience that doing the same thing with Mandriva should yield similar results, but trying it with MS-Windows would be a nightmare & chaos (likely only partially recoverable with a rescue CD & much fervent prayer).