OK, so here I sit before a dialup-backed copy of Firefox, needing a handful of fonts for a project I have in mind. So... do I spend a day clicking on font lists, looking for the perfect typestyle?
Not when I use a shell-backed operating system packed with tools — like Linux! View, Source to have a look at the page structure, then crank out wget.
Yes, even limited to 3kb/s to head off busyness complaints from SWMBO, this combo will drag down about 3,000 TrueTypes a day. I’ll give it a run on another site tomorrow, at which point it’ll be pushing the boundaries of a CD image. From a dialup modem.
Now, the hardest thing is figuring out what GAEILGE_.TTF actually is. I’ll be looking for a program I can hack a TTF-name reader out of. Then I’ll either have patience or be a patient. (-: