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Billion BIPAC 7300G

These things have a couple of oddities worth watching for.

One of them is that adding a port-forwarding rule (“Virtual Server”) doesn’t automatically grant any access through the firewall, you have to add a separate firewall item to allow the traffic that you’ve just enabled.

The next thing is that saving to Flash doesn’t always work across the board, so do your saves, reset the modem, & test it. One place this bit me was that setting up port-forwarding rules, then firewalling rules, then saving the lot resulted in only the firewalling rules being saved.

The next thing is also port-forwarding: the forwarding won’t change the port, so a connection to might be forwarded to on the LAN, but always to port 22. So if you want to do my typical security trick of putting things like SSH services on odd ports, this has to be done on the machines themselves as well as adding a port-forwarding rule & a firewall rule to the ADSL router.

A final thing is that their PDF manual doesn’t quite match up with the real-life hardware. The differences are relatively minor, but they are there & need to be adjusted for.

Discovering all of this at a range of 4000 km was a bit testing, & I’m very glad that I had a patient, steady Jane as a relay between the ’phone & the keyboard at the other end, & that we use Southern Cross Telco as a telephone provider. They’re very steady providers, & have some useful long-term long-distance features to their plans, which allowed me to rattle on & experiment for nearly an hour across Australia for less than a gold coin.


Leon RJ Brooks said…
Oh, you can actually change the inside port — by keying in a vanilla-flavoured Virtual Server and then coming back and Editing it.

Meanwhile, the only way you can get this sucker to P/F to port 80 is by renumbering its internal web service (e.g. to port 88) first.
Anonymous said…
On my 7300A, HTTP port forwarding didn't work on port 80 until I moved the router's web interface away from 80. i.e. move the web GUI to something like 8080, then you can use port 80 for port forwarding.
Anonymous said…
I changed the internal router port to 88 so the port 80 was free for my web server! In this way I forwarded succefully to port 80 on my web server! Thanks!

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