My dear littlies arose at 05:40 this morning, to check on an “alligator egg” which they had sitting in the kitchen. I got to sleep just after 11:00, so was not as joyfully radiant to wake five & a bit hours later as I could have been.
The good Professor’s receptionist (and she does much other work) rang me back today to tell me that within Royal Perth Hospital...
- My CT scan hadn’t been announced to the technicians building my new skull;
- The scan itself had been uploaded “to the wrong website” so they hadn’t seen it by accident;
- someone wrote the wrong case-number down, so when they went looking for it anyway, it took them a day to find it.
So... in summary, it’ll be the 22nd of November before my skull parts are welded together, so I can get my head stitched back in again.
On the positive side... Arjen, Stewart & Reggie have been giving me useful pointers for a discussion between certain databases.