ITWire says that Australia’s FireFox useage is up to 24.23% (vs MSIE at 69.35%). That’s compared with ardent Germany at 39.02% vs 55.99% but completely tromps the USA at its 15.82% vs 79.78%.
Most other browsers are “low single digits” here, but it’s significant that Firefox is growing again after a brief peaceful run.
Firefox’s shot at dominance will be important for the “lesser” browsers also, since its interpretation of HTML is much closer to the published standards and much less bound to commercial/competitive restrictions than its largest competitor.
This implies that as websites become more Firefox-aware, they will be less wired-in to odd non-standards, or in other words more portable to almost anything by way of a web browser. Also, since people are there to revise the HTML anyway, why not have them do it once & well?
In real life, many “Firefoxisms” will simply represent a trend towards standards; as I put it elsewhere, having recognisably standard HTML appearing will be “manna-in-network” for developers of standards-oriented web browsers.
Revising towards standards rather than some arbitrary collection of “corner” features makes good economic & social sense, too, which is what would lend the idea strength.