It looks like SCOX have flown into the ground with their latest Court motion; they have had a Judge agree that SCOX failed to comply with at least three direct Court orders in the case, and modulo some minor fan-dancing they appear to have lost every important argument and point — this despite their doomed legal reasoning being a very impressive swansong about nothing real.
SCOX shares are also dipping (5% the day I posted) as 3rd parties see the writing on the wall— er, the floor? — er... maybe, the stock charts?
Hopefully, this means that the evidently greedy, selfish, malicious and destructive wannabee-millionaires shoving the SCOX corpse along its course are running out of room to dodge, so they will soon be back to much more honourable occupations; perhaps like keeping cardboard boxes warm in remote junky alleys — if the other more-honourable box-heaters can be abused into putting up with them doing that.
I guess that share price fall may be a reaction to those numbers on top of (well, beneath) everything else.
A small, low-cost epitaph, it has to be.
yes, SCAMP sounds like TRAMP. I'm not sure what a TRAMP stack would be, but it'd probably involve something nicer than SCAMP.
Let's face it - SCAMP sounds like something you tell your kids not to pick at.
It gives me a warm feeling every time somebody moves off SCO.