I have a LibreOffice Impress slideshow that I wish to turn into a narrated video. 1. export the slideshow as PNG images (if that is partially broken — as at now — at higher resolutions, Export Directly as PDF then use ‘pdftoppm’ (from the poppler-utils package) to do the same). 2. write a small C program (63 lines including comments) to display those images one at a time, writing a config file entry for Imagination (default transition: ‘cross fade’) based on when the image-viewer application (‘display,’ from the GraphicsMagick suite) is closed on each one; run that, read each image aloud, then close each image in turn. 3. run ‘Imagination’ over the config file to produce a silent MP4 video with the correct timings. 4. run ‘Audacity’ to record speech while using ‘SMPlayer’ to display the silent video, then export that recording as a WAV file. 4a. optionally, use ‘TiMIDIty’ to convert a non-copyright-encumbered MIDI tune to WAV, then import that and blend it with the speech (as a quiet b...
“even by their own description, this information is completely meaningless”
Or ruurd from GrokLaw:
“Tallying like this is inane, thinking that the tallies actually MEAN something is insane.”
_Arthur also pointed out that SANS list "Mac OS X" as the #17 security vulnerability of the year despite no OS X vulnerability having ever been exploited.
Real Life experience says that well-maintained MS-Windows servers get broken about three times as often as well-maintained Linux servers. The odds go up steeply in Linux’s favour for orphaned systems, but being ten or a hundred times safer doesn’t offer much comfort if you’re inevitably going to get 0wn3rz3d, which is the fate of all unmaintained systems.