Ingredients: avconv, ImageMagick, some images, a LibreOffice Writer doc, tiMIDIty, some shell scripting, DeVeDe. Result: A video slideshow with neat fades from image to image & background music... zero ©opyright material involved anywhere. ImageMagick scales images to 720x480 (saved as PNG for losslessness). convert -gravity center -font "Sansation-Bold" -pointsize $PS \ -draw "fill white text 0,0 \"$(cat 1.txt)\"" \ transparent.png temporary-image-name .png Make lettering, convert -gravity center -font "Sansation-Bold" -pointsize $PS \ -strokewidth 5 -draw "fill black text 0,0 \"$(cat 1.txt)\"" \ -channel RGBA -blur 9x9 \ transparent.png temporary-image-name .png Make shadows behind lettering (for contrast). Blend all onto background image using composite ...
Linux Advocate in Western Australia