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Showing posts from August, 2012

Planets, the Quixotic, unexpected Rage

Planets — Hmmm... this one looks a bit inevitable... & seems somewhat unchangeable as it involves no politics, religion or finance that I can make out. Quixotic — it never ceases to amaze me & please me when I run across those who have landed in circumstances with arbitrary limits, such as a job or a restrictive social group, yet in various ways they expose their greatness . Your character is defined by how you treat people who can do nothing for you, & so very many people, while not in situations where this is absolutely clear, betray their greatness by how other people (& often also animals) both treat them, & react to others in their presence. If you are sure that nobody notices what you do, think again. They may simply not have expressed their understanding, yet that does not define it as absent. Rage — adding a few small clues has suddenly made the reasons for me being physically attacked without warning (a handful of years ago) much more ap...