After dealing with ridiculous amounts of money a few days ago, & working all morning, I ran into a situation where unexpected expenses took $170 out of my hands, but large bank fees etc reduced my available funds to $5.92, plus 70c cash-in-hand. I needed 30c more to buy containment for an item I needed to move about 12km, but could not find it. A nice lady discounted the item from $1 to 50c, while another nice lady drew 50c out of her purse anyway, so stuff got done, but the contrast between megabucks, maybe $400 in earnings, & a deficit of 30c was quite striking. Micro-social-economics also showed a surprise: one I dialogue with abandoned a forum so abusers could get bored & wander off, but in the process dropped a few psych keystones which I think will allow me to deal effectively with an abuser of my own. Not, unfortunately the big one, but this, like the fleeing dialoguer, is a Deutschlander but who has had a negative effect of the same order or magnitude as the big one...