...on a shiny new Canon a470 on special ex Hardly Normal. I upgraded my laptop a distro version , had a handful of small problems en route , all sorted & saddled now. Updating websites via Konqueror is splendidly easy & safe ( media://dev/sde1 versus fish://host.name/path/to/directory , drag, drop, rename, whatever). I am also getting rave reviews for individual shots, & one viewer in Chicago (a city-dweller who likes sunrises & sunsets) is highly pleased to chase a favourite (virtually life-saving) obsession by remote control. WestOz has plenty of amazing sun activity to share, of course, at midwinter temperatures which flabbergast folks from the northern USA, ’coz they’re as warm as their own midsummer days, once translated to Fahrenheit . Said viewer also enjoys shots of things like a Qualup Bell plant in flower (thank you, King’s Park ).